
“My experience with you, with emotional release therapy, it has changed the trajectory of my life. For the first time I felt as if I found my purpose. These chronic illnesses I’m healing from have served to realign me and redirect me.”

— Eden (Lyme disease), USA

“My body is relaxed, I feel really calm, peaceful, no pain, I cant believe it. There is sweet tiredness like after a workout. It was an amazing session. I am really grateful to you. Your instructions made me feel very comfortable and it was very easy for me to follow them.”

— Arzu (Fibromyalgia), Varna

"Otherwise, I've finally been off the cortisone since 2 days which I took again since June.”

— Anna (colitis ulcerosa), Berlin

“With the help of Maya I was able to connect my intestinal problems with unresolved issues from my female ancestors and work through them emotionally. It felt so liberating to feel my feelings. After the session I felt lighter, my stomach felt pleasantly free and I was noticeably happy in the days afterwards.”

— Leila (chronic digestive issues), Berlin

“Maya helped me with her peaceful and empathetic nature to have a very intense session. I could let go of emotional blockages which accompanied me physically and mentally for a very long time. My chronic back pain does not exist anymore since the session and I feel mentally much more present and balanced. I can only recommend everyone the start into the topic of emotional release with Maya.”

— Tim (chronic back pain), Berlin   

”A short thankful update: I feel very good since today, I feel free, energetic and there is finally space again in my jaw/mouth area. It is wonderful. I want to thank you from my heart.” 

— Nele (chronic shoulder and neck pain)

Hello dear Maya, the Session with you was so wonderful and is still taking effect. Since then I can sense my feelings much stronger and I am much more self-confident. A lot has happened. I want to thank you from my whole heart for the great work and that you held the space so strongly for me. A big hug and see you soon.”

— Sarah (chronic fatigue), Hamburg

“I have now done 2 emotional release sessions with Maya which both have been extremely powerful und freeing… I felt at all times in great hands and very secure… Afterwards being released from this painful part of my own emotion, still is one of the most freeing things which have ever happened to me.”

— Sabrina (Chronic bronchitis), Dublin

“I wanted to tell you how wonderful and deep and transformative the session was... I feel like I am letting go of people-pleasing...I still cant believe how much energy I felt coming out of me...discovering my dignity last time has changed so much for me without me having to put (mental) effort into it.”

— Laura (chronic bladder infections), Hamburg

“After the practice suddenly I felt like I took this leap out of myself into my own light and felt what it means that I can trust myself. It's amazing how I'm now able to build a connection with people in a completely different way than I used to...How I could get in touch with people without alcohol and drugs, how beautiful that is.”

— Laura (chronic narrowing of the esophagus), Berlin

Raw testimonials