My personal journey


My personal journey with diseases began in 2016 when I was diagnosed with 2 supposedly lifelong autoimmune diseases. My body was basically attacking its own skin (Atopic dermatitis) and its own digestive system (Colitis ulcerosa/Crohn’s) constantly for no known root cause. I couldn’t even “function normally” for more than a day without immune-suppressing medications which were only symptom-alleviating. I was told by doctors that I would have to take those pills for the rest of my life and no matter what I did, I would never be healthy again.

Trial & Error

Even though I am very grateful for the years of relief the medications provided for me at the time, I am even more grateful for a commitment I made to myself: The commitment to prioritize my health and wellbeing over everything else. I committed to not believe in the life path the doctors predicted for me and instead to believe in what I felt to be true in my heart: that my EASE would return. I committed to trying all the therapies I could find in order to reclaim the health of my body. I tried out so many diets (SCD, vegan, keto, paleo…), stress-reductions (sports, yoga, meditation…), alternative therapies (laser acupuncture, osteopathy, homeopathy, energetic healing…) and mental health approaches (psychotherapy, coaching, affirmations…) which did help temporarily but not sustainably: without these tools my symptoms returned to their previous intensity.

Dating my Diseases

My commitment and openness to alternative therapies finally led me to find methods and people which opened the doors for me to deeply connect with the truth of my dis-eases, to understand the language of my dis-eases, to date my diseases. I realized that my body, my dis-eases had actually been FOR me the whole time, they were here to heal me instead of the other way around. How could my body be FOR me when it was basically physically attacking me, wounding its own cells? To understand this seeming paradox, let’s remember that our bodies are informed by our mind & emotions (scientifically proven). Lets say that something in your reality causes you mental/emotional pain, for example an abuser. In order to protect yourself you could try many things but actually one of the best ways to stop someone from attacking you is to attack yourself. And your mental-emotional intelligence knows that, even if unconscious to you. So when you start attacking yourself on a mental & emotional level in order to protect yourself, WHAT ARE YOU TELLING YOUR BODY TO DO TO ITSELF?

Im not saying there is no other physical element to autoimmune disease but lets ALSO look at the mental & emotional roots. Psychotherapy was a helpful tool for me for a time (I am grateful for my 2 years of psychotherapy) but it is often not enough, when the mental and emotional dis-ease is already physically manifested. We have to start listening to the mental AND emotional AND energetic body THROUGH THE PHYSICAL BODY.

After reclaiming my dis-eases as the teachers they were and acting on their teachings, my body let go of all autoimmune symptoms and my life became medication-free. But honestly the real gift is not the absence of my symptoms but living a life that’s FULLY MINE, a life that makes me FEEL ALIVE, a life that’s aligned with the ever-evolving truth of my heart.

“My autoimmune diseases have been the most valuable teachers in my life and it is my hearts desire to help you reclaim your autoimmune disease as the greatest catalysts into your ALIVENESS too.

I now live a symptom-free and medication-free life, but that’s just the cherry on top of the delicious cake of living a life aligned with the ever-evolving truth of my heart.”

— Maya Gutewort

Mind excellence

My professional journey started as a SCIENTIST as I have always been an excellent observer and data analyzer, fascinated by the intricate details of our human bodies and the way health and disease manifest. This led me to study biochemistry and cell biology (B.Sc.) with a focus on biomedicine, mounting into my bachelor thesis about how mental disorders affect the biochemistry of the physical body.

After my Bachelor studies in Germany taught me how to focus on details and be excellent in execution, I pursued a Master in Management (M.Sc.) at one of the top business schools worldwide in the USA which taught me how to focus on the big picture, a vision, the success of a company or (body) system as a whole.

My strong mind and focus on achievement led me towards a corporate career in the medical management and global brand management at a Fortune 500 company. Working alongside leading medical doctors, exposed me to dis-ease and ease not only personally and educationally but also professionally.

Heart wisdom

I believe the deep wisdom of the heart, our intuition, our inner compass is a seed which is present within all of us. Planting this seed in a nurturing environment and watering it with unconditional presence and patience will let it blossom into the beautiful, loving flower it was always meant to be. I cultivated and continue to cultivate my hearts seed with different trainings, practices and people.

Below you find a selection of the psychosomatic trainings and experiences which have been the most potent catalyzers for my hearts evolution:

  • Neo Emotional Release 9-month training (David Manning), Hamburg, 2020-2021

  • Opening of the Heart retreat (David Manning), Barcelona, 2020

  • Bliss activation sessions (Chris Bale), Online , 2020

  • Kundalini Bodywork Level 1 training (Elliott Saxby), Amsterdam, 2022

  • Kundalini Bodywork Level 2 training (Elliott Saxby), Portugal, 2023

  • Freedom of movement (Sophie Kirch & Vincent Niemann) workshops & retreats

  • Group Leader at the Neo Emotional Release training, Portugal, 2023

  • Teaching assistant at the Kundalini Bodywork Level 1 training, Denmark, 2023

  • Teaching assistant at the Kundalini Bodywork Level 2 training, Denmark, 2023

My therapeutic edge

Next to the successful transformation of my own autoimmune diseases, I believe my biggest therapeutic edge is my ability to let the deep wisdom of my heart navigate the scientific map my sharp mind provides.